Shaobo Li

Associate Professor


School of Business
University of Kansas

Phone: 785-864-4781
Office: 3166 Capitol Federal Hall
Address: 1654 Naismith Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

In current semester (Fall2024), I am teaching:

  • Probability for Business Research (BSAN920)

  • Data Mining and Machine Learning (BASN750) [website]

  • Foundation of Business Analytics (BSAN440)

Office hours: By appointment

About me

I am currently Associate Professor of Business Analytics at University of Kansas. I earned my Ph.D in Business Administration and Masters of Statistics from University of Cincinnati. My PhD advisors are Prof. Yan Yu and Prof. Yichen Qin. My research interests lie broadly in statistics, marketing, and information systems. In particular, I am interested in robust regression, nonparametric and semiparametric methods, discrete data analysis, data privacy and some finance topics including corporate bankruptcy and equity premium prediction. My research work has been published in premier journals in statistics and business domains, including JASA, ISR and Marketing Science. Besides work, I am a high-tech fan and always interested in learning the latest technologies. I also love playing basketball and traveling with family.

Awards and Fellowship

  • Arno Knapper Teaching Innovation Fellowship, University of Kansas (2024)

  • Outstanding MS BSAN Eductor, University of Kansas (2023)

  • General research fund, University of Kansas (2023)

  • New faculty general research fund, University of Kansas (2020)

  • Dean’s List of Teaching Excellence, University of Cincinnati (2018, 2017)

  • JSM Student Travel Award, American Statistical Association (2017)

  • Lindner Outstanding Graduate Research Award, University of Cincinnati (2017)

  • Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship, University of Cincinnati (2016)

  • Outstanding Masters Student Award, University of Cincinnati (2013)

  • Honorable Mention, International Mathematical Contest of Modeling (2010)
